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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Oct 18, 2021, 16 tweets

QAnon John, the organizer behind the Patriot Roundup and Patriot Double-Down is now promoting the neo-Nazi propaganda film Europa: the Last Battle.

annnnd we're off to the races

literally none

And now he's shared the link.

GOP politicians go on stage with this guy at his QAnon 'Patriot' conventions.

This guy's featured speakers are not nobodies in the MAGA cranksphere.

again, so far, NO pushback

This is the same film pushed previously by GhostEzra, and before that, noted antisemite Plissken/Wyatt, among other figures from the neo-Nazi wing of QAnon.

We now have a single Anon criticizing the promotion of the neo-Nazi film, who is immediately called out for doing so by one of the channel's admins.

Multiple admins are now angry at this person.

The admins are now sharing the link in QAnon John's initial post about the neo-Nazi film (which did not contain the link).

implicit in the admin's response is that he already knew exactly what the film was about

"I'm sorry that's what you took away from our neo-Nazi film. It's really about how killing the Jews is necessary and good because they're not real Jews"

The two posts have now been deleted, ninety minutes after they were made.

Below: before and after.

Thanks for coming along on this thread, I don't have SoundCloud but I do have a Patreon

As a side note: the person whose Europa post QAnon John shared with 70,000 followers has a bio that reads "we fought the wrong enemy."

The same user is lurking in ET's Telegram channel, having joined this past Friday.

You know what, screw it, they're a Nazi and I don't respect their privacy

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