Nikhil Tirumalasetty 🇮🇳 Profile picture
I make art, create content, design & build stuff with no-code/low-code. 9-5 → Product guy @getFincent, 5-9 + weekends → building & writing.

Oct 18, 2021, 6 tweets

Super excited to launch #DrProduct!🥳

Received massive positive response on early access program. So, I decided to open Dr.Product to everyone!


Know more👇🧵


Dr.Product is the curated library of hand-picked valuable resources for every aspiring product manager to learn product management without the struggle of finding the right resources on this massive digital ocean.


No need to waste 100s of hours searching for the right resources online. We did it for you, just focus on learning!


No more bookmarking 1000s of links. Enjoy the hand-picked resources on Dr.Product. Learn from diverse learning resources like podcasts, blogs, online courses, product communities, and a lot more. Just bookmark Dr.Product!


Last but not least, Built Dr.Product by keeping every aspiring PM in mind. We made it super simple, clean, and organized to find the best resource to learn from!


Love this? If, yes - I would really love it if you could retweet the first tweet and share your thoughts!

Built with: @unicornplatform
Learned & inspired by: @TheProductfolks
Special thanks to: @SmarthVasdev & @MotwaniSuhas
Tags: #productmanagement #buildinginpublic

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