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Oct 19, 2021, 7 tweets

Countdown to #FairMaps for Arizona: 65 Days

OK - I know there have been a lot of tweets today. So think of this as an amuse-bouche between heavy mapping days.

In the 1970's AZ congressional districts looked like this

In the 1980's AZ congressional districts looked like this:


In the 1990's AZ congressional districts looked like this:


In the 'aughts AZ congressional districts looked like this:


Since 2010's AZ congressional districts looked like this:


What do you notice about all these plans?
I notice - in not one instance in the last 50 years has Arizona had a congressional district that spanned the northern border E to W. Not one single time.


Kudos to @ArizonaIRC for being sensible and not taking a radical departure from historical recognition of the fundamental differences between eastern north AZ and western north AZ. Communities of interest matter.


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