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Oct 19, 2021, 9 tweets

#COVID19 has shown that there can be no lasting economic development without #HealthForAll & protection against health emergencies. Here are WHO’s 7⃣ recommendations on building resilient health systems based on #PrimaryHealthCare & #HealthSecurity.


1️⃣ We must leverage the #COVID19 response to strengthen pandemic preparedness & health systems. While tackling the pandemic, countries can also build long-term capacities to manage emergency risks & maintain essential health services.


2️⃣ We must prioritize investments in essential public health functions, including those needed for all-hazards emergency risk management.

Here are actionable recommendations from WHO:

3️⃣ Countries must build a 💪 #PrimaryHealthCare foundation ready to scale up to meet increased needs & ensure safety & continuity during emergencies. This is the most cost-efficient & equitable way to achieve #UniversalHealthCoverage & #HealthSecurity.


4️⃣ We must invest in institutionalized mechanisms for whole-of-society engagement. In both high & low-income countries, adequate & effective ways should be put in place to meaningfully engage communities, private sector & civil society.


5️⃣ We must create & promote enabling environments for research, innovation & learning. #COVID19 drove the rapid increase in resources & collaboration for research globally, which provides opportunities for countries to advance developments.


6️⃣ We must increase domestic & 🌎 investment in health system foundations & all-hazards emergency risk management. Cost of ensuring #UniversalHealthCoverage & #HealthSecurity is very ⬇ vs the ⬆ cost of responding unprepared to #COVID19 & future threats

7️⃣ We must address pre-existing inequities & the disproportionate impact of #COVID19 on vulnerable & conflict-affected populations. This incl. removing financial barriers to health care, enhancing & protecting incomes & jobs, improving social protection.

To save lives and protect economies everywhere in the 🌎, countries must take every opportunity to rebuild their health systems sustainably & more equitably, with #UniversalHealthCoverage & #HealthSecurity as complementary goals.


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