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Former @WSJ • Book WOKE ARMY • • 304-685-2189 • @DPearlProject @JewishJournal @TheMuslimReform Former @Georgetown Prof

Oct 19, 2021, 5 tweets

A mom sent us this tip 2 weeks ago @DefendingEd: @fcpsnews is surveying children as young as 10 about their sex lives. It's being exposed, and folks wonder how @VASecofEdu @GovernorVA @VDOE_News approved this.

Here is the link and all survey questions:…

A mom + former school board member @Think_Schultz shared a survey screenshot. Here are all of the questions in all their glory.

No. 83: "During the past 12 months, how many times did you actually attempt to commit suicide?"

Link to @fcpsnews survey:…

An @FCPSNews survey to children as young as 10.

No. 134: "...with how many people have you had sexual intercourse?"

No. 139. "Have you ever had oral sex?"

Link to survey:…

An @FCPSNews survey to children as young as 10.

No. 173: "How honest were you in taking this survey?"

Link to survey:…

Hi @BradMossEsq, if you have want to question if 10 years olds are given this test, you might want to take it up with @fcpsnews @VDOE_News @VASecofEdu @GovernorVA, rather than shooting the messenger.

Question 1
How old are you?
10 13 16 19
11 14 17
12 15 18

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