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Oct 19, 2021, 11 tweets

i cannot overemphasize enough that james dobson's most famous parenting book opens with him beating the crap out of a 12 pound dachshund with a belt for sleeping near a heater, and millions of parents bought the book and used it as a daily parenting guide

I am reading the Dobson book The Strong Willed Child (and I have several more lined up: To Train Up A Child, Raising Godly Tomatoes, Shepherding A Child's Heart) for this series. It is very difficult to read these. Just a very alien worldview focused on "breaking children's will"

P.S. No wonder these kids hate you James you absolute carbuncle

literally what is wrong with a child having a strong will! or any will at all! im only a quarter of the way through this book and the word "obedience" has recurred at least 20 times

this is in the chapter advocating for corporal punishment. i am speechless

So many people are fucking haunted by wooden spoons. It makes me so sad.

James Dobson wants you to know it's very important that you beat your kids so you don't... beat your kids harder...?

Also, this is the most minor of issues, but Dobson plagiarizes himself *a lot*. Whole pages and pages of "Dare to Discipline" and "The Strong Willed Child" are completely identical. And vile!

remember: teach your child that absolutely nowhere is safe, ever!

ok i am going to stop posting these because frankly it is just soul crushing. but fuck, man, this bestselling author, guide of millions of parents, multi decade radio host... tells you to hit your child if they cry too much when you hit them. fuck that.

Fuck you, James Dobson. I hope you fall into hell when you die. And that hell for you looks like the childhoods you created with your poison.

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