Yoshi Yoshitani Profile picture
Yoshi Yoshitani Concept Artist & Illustrator // No Pronouns // available for freelance email yoshi@yoshiyoshitani.com // STORE https://t.co/lMp7mgMOiv

Oct 19, 2021, 12 tweets

Tabling Artist Alley Convention Guide

Cons are opening up again...? I was asked for a repost here! No hard fast rules, just take these as suggestions/things to think about

First off, research what you can! But know that tabling is an ever growing/changing experience and be ready to tweak constantly (I went to NYCC '21 and suddenly everyone wanted to do apple pay-which I wasn't ready for/had never done)

The most important thing is Visibility!! Remember people will be walking past, so having big eye catching things at eye level is great. Try walking by your set up, what do you see first? And if you have a banner, put the info at the top! The bottom is hidden by the table

When considering legibility, also consider having a clear way to interact with your table. Is there a binder of prints to flip through? Or holographic keychains to hold up? Or a zine to read? Easy to pick up pins?

I personally have had a lot of success with biz cards, and their design is a whole other thread-- but remember to give them away like free candy. Only 1 design, you can print 5000 for $65, you never know who will contact you in 6 months

This is also an ever evolving thing. My first con I sold sexy monsters and cute cats, customers were very confused and no one bought from both categories.

Having a clear vibe and inhabiting that vibe helps ppl contextualize your work

Pricing! A tricky subject

Think about your table "If someone were to buy 1 of everything they would spend $ X" And have that X be a big number, it'll help with scaling pricing. Cheaper items are great too--you never know who will keep supporting you

Personalization is fun! Look online at other peoples displays, and remember to take your brand vibe into account as well. Think of it as though you as showing someone what a desk or living room designed by you would look like

Extra things to Bring! Some ideas. This is also always changing. I have a 'con box' of basic necessities that always stays with my con gear

And remember to say hi to your neighbors!

There seems to be some slight confusion around marketability. Just make sure your brand is clear!

Example: it’s strange to sell cooking supplies next to sports gear
UNLESS your brand is specifically sports themed cooking gear

Think abt who is/isn’t your customer

If there is something that isn’t selling at your table, more often than not it’s because that thing doesn’t match the brand people perceive and approach you for. You could probably move that item to another persons table and it would be their best selling thing

Visibility clarification:
You can go to a con and sell only 1 book, but make it fill your table, have multiple piles/displays, have a open copy with passages highlighted, or open to a great spread. Don’t have only a single copy in view

You want visually catchy not visually dead

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