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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 19, 2021, 6 tweets

Happy birthday Sir Michael Gambon
This 2019 portrait by Richard Learoyd @NPGLondon is special: it was made using a camera obscura & the Ilfochrome dye destruction positive-to-positive photographic process. A unique photo of a unique actor.

In Richard Learoyd's camera obscura photographs, light falling on the subject is directly focused onto the photographic paper without an interposing film negative.
Big Sur I, 2018

Richard Learoyd’s portable camera obscura at Big Sur.
📷 Miles Mattison, 2018

But back to birthday boy Michael Gambon:
He's one of the great actors in this recreation of Leonardo's Last Supper by photographers Dean Mitchell, Alistair Morrison & Andy Teare. How many can you name?
Answers here - click on "Identify" by each name:…

I wondered why Robert Powell got to be Jesus in this recreation of the Last Supper, & then the penny dropped. He played the role before, without glasses, in Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth, 1977

The Last Supper photo was taken in 2011. Alas, Tim Pigott-Smith, who plays Simon Peter, with his hands outstretched, is no longer with us; he died in 2017. I believe, though, that the others are all still alive.

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