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For Your Discovery. Exploring: India, Itihāsa, Ideologies, Invisible Hands

Oct 19, 2021, 7 tweets

As time went on, other Muslim League leaders would fire their rhetorical silos on the justification of Pakistan. They would inevitably be tied to not just Muslim safety, but Islamic fulfillment of power & God given right.

Pakistan could only be an Islamic State.

One of the most interesting parts of the Raja of Mahmudabad’s case was the superiority of Islam as an eternal and supreme religion, a Sanātan Dharma in a way 😎. The Prophet Muhammad had perfected & revived Islam which was sent to all peoples over history.

Mahmudabad contrasted this perfect Islamic state with the follies of European nations & accuses Gandhi of encapsulating a hybrid faulty nation combining Tolstoy &…get this…Savarkar to create a Congress Hindu Raj.

OTOH, he viewed Pakistan as a future national model for the 🌍.

Something I want to make clear - all ML leaders were very aware of the fate of the Muslims of UP, the Quraysh of Indian Muslims. From hostage population theory to being mujahideen who sacrifice their lot for Pakistan to an outpost of expansion.

Khaliquzzaman, another ML leader, would follow comparing wataniyat(nationalism) vs mazhab(religion). Ironically, he claims that Indian Muslims would never harm their Afghan brothers if ordered by an Indian Premier.

Seems like only the Taliban are convincing enough today…

Besides the hostage population theory, another common thread amongst ML leaders was the begging of British Raj assistance & promises to sabotage the “Hindu Raj” independence.

It was partition or bust for many ML leaders as demands for confederate federalism failed quickly.

Khaliq reflected a common position of integrating ALL of Punjab & Bengal(& Assam) as part of Pakistan. Demographic expansion was encouraged in border districts. He wanted Urdu/UP Muslim culture to be directly bordering Pakistan as a perpetual influence to Islamicize Punjab/Bengal

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