Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Oct 19, 2021, 5 tweets

DOOCY TIME (from earlier -- wasn't at my desk when it aired): "Why is the administration flying thousands of migrants from the border to FL & NY in the middle of the night?"

Psaki: "Well I'm not sure that it's in the middle of the night, but let me tell you what's happening[.]"

Doocy: "There's this new proposal by Democrats in Congress and the Treasury secretary to start monitoring every bank account that has $10,000 of cash flow per year. So, is the plan to catch billionaire tax cheats by snooping on accounts that just have $10,000 in ‘em?"

Doocy: "But in the statement that you just cited, it says many top earners avoid paying billions in the taxes that they owned by exploiting the system. So what — why is it that you need to start looking at accounts that just have $10,000 in it? Maybe somebody doesn't get a W-2."

Doocy: If...a vaccine mandate also means tons of police & military may walk off the job, then, at the end of the day, does vaccine mandate make people safer?

Psaki: Well, where are tons of police and military walking off the job?

Doocy: "But there are other problems in the world, then covid-19: international terror, gang violence, murder, arson, drug dealers is there any concern about being able to" confront them?

Psaki: "What was the #1 cause of death among police officers last year....Covid-19"


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