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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 20, 2021, 7 tweets

Remembering Arthur Rimbaud on his birthday 🎂
His portrait at 17, by Etienne Carjat, 1871
Musée Arthur Rimbaud
"One might say that contemporary French poetry owes everything to Rimbaud. Thus far, however, none have gone beyond him - in daring or invention."
- Henry Miller

A portrait of Arthur Rimbaud by Paul Verlaine, 1872

This is the revolver with which Paul Verlaine shot & injured his lover Arthur Rimbaud. It was auctioned by Christie's in 2016
📷 Thomas Samson

Happy birthday Arthur Rimbaud 🎂
One of the "Illustrations des Poètes maudits", text by Paul Verlaine & illustrated by Manuel Luque, 1888

Ernest Pignon's painting of Arthur Rimbaud, projected in Paris
📷 Guy Le Querrec, 1981

On Arthur Rimbaud's birthday, his watch in the Musée Arthur Rimbaud, Ville de Charleville-Mézières

Arthur Rimbaud's “Le Bateau ivre” on a wall in Paris
📷 Dmitry Kostyukov, 2019

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