SaysDana Profile picture
I have faith in people. Get some #Danalysis when you can. . Retired firefighter and 28yr Marketing Exec. I know shit.

Oct 20, 2021, 10 tweets

My comment to this is:
Maybe it was just another messaging OP that the media ran with as storyline but wasn’t entirely true. Messaging, the fabric of the media’s life.

Just spitballin………

I say this because of a couple things that I have been doing in the last month.
I’ve been going to locations in Redding that also complained to see what the situation was like in their business.
Just as a consumer

1st stop was Damburger, a local burger joint famous for its burgers (never ate there before)
When I arrived, it was busy. I asked how business was when I ordered and they said fine.
I asked them about the story in the local paper.

They said it was just the one day. Takeout and deliveries helped. I didn’t ask about COVID

So I visited Deja Vu (a great place to eat) and I’ve been there before. I went during lunch and had no trouble with service or wait times. I asked how business was and was told it was great.
Again, I asked about the closures and they said it was a temporary thing.

I visited El Shastaquero, which was the old location for Wildas Grill. This location is right around the Courthouse and when Wildas was there, had lines every day. The previous restaurant closed that moved in after Wildas left.
This is a new restaurant.

I went in, it was open, there was just one other customer. I came in during the busy lunch hour around 11:45. Asked about business, ordered some food (it was ok) and asked about the comments from the paper.
Just said, “we’re new, getting our feet on the ground”
So then I checked the states for unemployment and the highest unemployment categories:
Here’s an overall view

A better view
So, some manufacturing jobs
Wholesale and retail trades
Hospitality and leisure
Professional and business services
Food Services and drinking places

All lower wage positions.

So essentially, the media and big voices on the right are complaining about the lack of services which are probably seen in larger cities across the country and yes, likely real, but it would also seem that based on year to year data, unemployment has gone down not up.

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