Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Oct 20, 2021, 10 tweets

Right now: Activists dressed as apes have erected a monolith in front of the DEA and are dancing around it a la “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

I will be providing updates on this act of… wait for it… wait for it… guerrilla activism throughout the day.

Some very confused federal security officers are keeping watch.

The apes have adorned the DEA entrance sign with bananas.

Perhaps a suggestion that the drug war is “bananas” but who knows?

🤷‍♂️ 🎥

The First Amendment is really something, huh?

The activists point out to me that the precise full moon comes at 10:57am, something these ape-dressed monolith fans are apparently interested in.

My cell phone connection here isn’t great, but I’ll run a livestream around then if I can…


Drug policy reform activist @aeidinger of @DCMJ2014 asked one of the private security guards if he could get someone from the DEA outside to touch the monolith.

Guard was pulled away by a supervisor.

The monolith represents evolution in 2001, the film they’re imitating.

The monolith continues to sit in front of the DEA HQ building even as the gorillas who put it there depart, although I’m told they will return.

In a way, it almost looks like the building.

I can neither confirm nor deny that it’s cannabis being smoked by the apes outside the DEA right now.


After a morning of performance, the ‘apes’ have taken their 2000+ pound monolith from the DEA HQ safely.

Who knows what wonders await the monolith next?

The apes explain their unusual demonstration style to me, and why they believe the DEA itself is the one that needs to "evolve."

Full @N2Sreports video, available to license:

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