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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Oct 20, 2021, 7 tweets

It's amazing how all of these guys are just full-on, not even slightly veiled, Right Wingers. There was of course no times where Taibbi wrote about the Trump family's audacious, smash-and-grab, corruption. But Hunter's laptop proves that the REAL corrupt family is the Bidens.

BTW, I am a LW journalist and not a Trump supporter.

Absolutely hilarious.

Anyway, here's the guy who declared himself vindicated on all the Russia stuff, after taking Bill Barr's distorted 'summary' of the Mueller report and compared all the rest of the media's 'failure' to the Iraq War, pushing Aaron Mate- Crowdstrike conspiracies about RU & the DNC.

He is so vindicated and correct about EVERYTHING, he still doesn't believe that Russia hacked the DNC. He won't come out and say it, just cite extremely clown moron Aaron Mate 'asking questions'.

So old I remember that after the Barr Report, many in the media shared his "Russiagate is WMDs" story saying that everyone in the media needed to reflect on what they got wrong and acknowledge that the Taibbi-Greenwald-sphere got it right. The reality is the complete opposite.

lol sorry I completely botched this screen.

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