Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/MedEd/Bronchiectasis/Communication/Wellness. #BLM🌈

Oct 20, 2021, 15 tweets

I'm excited to jump into the Wellness Zone next with Dahlia El Gazzar (@DahliaElGazzar) speaking on "Practicing Gratitude for the Present: The Power of Gratitude." #CHEST2021 1/

Learning objective and key takeaway #CHEST2021 2/

We want to optimize our energy. Block out time to replenish your energy. #CHEST2021 3/

Gratitude comes from different sources, and movement and exercise can be an excellent source of energy. You have to make sure you prioritize yourself in your schedule instead of just others. #CHEST2021 4/

Make sure you are thankful for the little things in life that can ground you. Life happens while you're waiting for the big things to happen. #CHEST2021 5/

Consider adding one of these gratitude practices to your day. #CHEST2021 6/

The 10% Happier app has guided medications and practical teachings. #CHEST2021 7/

The Five Minute Journal can help you do quick gratitude journaling. #CHEST2021 8/

Do you! Find what works for you. This is YOUR life, so live it! #CHEST2021 9/

The sustainability of gratitude practices will depend on you exploring and finding what you enjoy. #CHEST2021 10/

Stop focusing on putting out fires and focus on preventing them in your life. #CHEST2021 11/

A focus on gratitude and empathy and mindfulness will create a ripple effect in your life, your relationship with others, and your environment. #CHEST2021 12/

Be patient and good to yourself. #CHEST2021 13/

Thanks for joining us for this important topic! #CHEST2021

After attending a couple of these wellness zone sessions, I have to say that I do appreciate the effort, and they are very good, but I'm not sure they're really a match for puppies. I will admit these will probably be cheaper for me in the long run... @accpchest #CHEST2021 14/14

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