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Oct 20, 2021, 14 tweets


Wanna see an example of a high-performing landing page you can mimic?

Let’s break this page down section by section and explain what makes it convert so highly and bring in so much revenue.

Above the fold

Most customers do not scroll below the fold, so it’s imperative that you optimize this real estate to convince them to stay on your website.

Gel blaster does a great job of including only the MOST important aspects above the fold (see attached)

Social proof - "732 reviews" placed at the top of the page, this will be one of the first things visitors notice so it’s important this has its own line and is not nested somewhere else on the page

Product features - Critical to have these in an easily digestible form such as icons. Gel blaster does a great job with this

Bundles above the fold - This is where they hit it out of the park. It's so easy to be upsold. It doesn’t navigate you to another page, everything is kept on one page Also, they make sure to show how much $ you're saving by choosing the bundle. This is huge for increasing AOV.

Adding this bundle to the page is complex, there is no app that does this. You can do it with some liquid code. Basically, you’d create those elements for the bundles in Pagefly then need to pair each of those elements with a product variant. DM me for help with this.

Trust Badges - Well placed below the add to cart button in case the visitor has any reservations about returns, shipping, etc they don’t have to navigate to your shipping policies page. Remember, the less friction the better.

Product Photos - Gel Blaster did a great job with this. The first photo is a gif that shows the pellets shooting out the gun. Then the second is a detailed infographic followed by two high-quality renders. I recommend testing a gif or infographic as the first image

Below the fold:

“Why Gel Blaster” accordion + icons

You need to convince your visitors WHY they need to buy your product. A section like this needs to be high up on the page and prominently displayed. See how Gel Blaster uses a large chunk of the page on this alone

Section 3 - Embedded YT video

Never use an external link on the landing page, always embed the video, and if possible make it a gif. They added their Kickstarter video which is great for social proof + an explainer video.

Section 4 - How it works

Incredibly easy to understand section on how their product works. No big blocks of text. Simple photos that tell us everything we need to know.

Section 5 - What’s included

What I would change:

-Make the what’ included section a 1080x1080 photo and add it as a product photo as well

-Add a badge on the first product image that says “As seen on Kickstarter” for social proof

-Add a header above the YT video that gives some context. ex: "Our Story”

To view the live site:…

Hope this short thread was helpful for everyone when thinking about how their product landing pages should look. I create landing pages, websites and do CRO for e-commerce store owners. Shoot me a DM to get started.

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