Liz Harrington Profile picture

Oct 20, 2021, 13 tweets

Cyber Ninjas releases supplemental report to correct the disinformation coming from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

"Maricopa County continues to purposely mislead Arizonans and the American public about the nature of audit findings"

Maricopa's claim about votes who moved is "extremely misleading"

Provides no documentation for the 12,772 (MORE than the margin!) who moved outside of the County - Illegal votes

No answer for how many of the 15,035 legally changed their address

Cyber Ninjas corrects the record on the false claim that the 23,000 mail-ins from people who no longer live at that address were all "college students" and "snowbirds"

Taking into account military personnel this would only reduce the 23,344 to an even 22,000 -- TWICE the margin

*There were more early ballots returned by voters than received* and Maricopa County's answer doesn't make sense

"The numbers simply do not support the County's claim curing of ballots would result in a second scanning of the envelope...This is a soundbite, not an explanation."

*Official results did not match who voted*

Maricopa County literally spinned this as "Official Results Don't Include All Voters" - On what planet is that acceptable?

Maricopa claimed this was due to missing "protected voters"

"...the fact the County couldn't reply with a precise number of protected voters who voted in the election that matches the outlined discrepancy shows their response is not accurate."

*More Duplicate Ballots than Original*

Once again, Maricopa County's explanation "is extremely misleading and does not respond to any of the specific details"

Maricopa County DELETED and PURGED its Election Management System data in defiance of a subpoena

"...what was done for the November 2020 general election does not match any past elections found on the EMS Server"

Maricopa County admitted they moved the data AFTER the subpoena to hide it from auditors

Their explanation it was for storage space is ridiculous, since "over 2 terabytes of free storage on the device counters any arguments it had to be done for space."

Maricopa County purged the data on Feb. 1, 2021 the DAY BEFORE the audit began

Contrary to their claim, it obviously is not routine for every election since "data is still present for other past elections" on the server

The County DID NOT conduct 2 prior audits

"...the only thing these companies could do was run test cases against the election equipment to see if it behaved properly. No results were audited by either of these two companies."

Maricopa County defied the subpoena -- and then lied about it

"...failing to comply with a subpoena is a criminal offense"

Maricopa Co spread "outright lies" about its security credentials

For 92% of the voting they used systems with old passwords from 2019!

"if someone knew the password...on one of these systems that individual would know the password to the admin account on any of these systems"

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