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Oct 20, 2021, 7 tweets

Interesting names named sculpting and deploying Operation Frances: Bill Burton, Luminate, Center for Humane Technology. Let’s review…

Burton was the first White House employee with an official Twitter account, preceded in his position by Jen Psaki

Luminate’s CEO is Stephen King, former chief of an organization that looks like, but isn’t exactly, the BBC

It’s actually an independent node for large scale media operations funded by elites in and out of government

Center for Humane Technology has a laundry list of involved parties, including “generous lead supporters” like the Open Society Foundations

…and, perhaps predictably, among “founding allies, key advisors, and community:”

This suggests what was clear at the outset: Operation Frances is a coordinated high level effort to do something dramatic to Facebook. But it further suggests this “something” involves a deeply trans-Anglosphere project to use tech to establish a single new form of governance.

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