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Feb 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The story of 20th-century Russia was one of the intelligentsia and the underclass catastrophically creating unstable, unsustainable power by trying to replace the energy of the soul with that of the machine—something 21st-century factions in the West are now trying to do better. Based on Putin’s various remarks decrying the collapse as well as the rise and rule of the USSR he recognizes this situation. Russia watchers would do well to conclude that under Putin Russia is reoriented to the restoration of its civilization’s energy of the soul.
Feb 15, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
#HumanForever is out now in paperback. Canada and GoFundMe dramatize why I wrote it, published it on chain, and priced it in bitcoin. Our political life is being obsolesced—to terraform our natural and God-given humanity into a collectivist cyborg swarm. canonic.xyz/books/1YV9yExb… Neither paralysis nor wars of words or dreams will save us. Our sacred and natural humanity, and the digital rights inherent in it, must be actively, physically preserved. We must retake rightful technological control—the aim of a #2ndAmendmentforCompute.
Jan 26, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
For months I’ve been telling all who can hear (including Congress) that the Russian civilization-state’s response to the digital catastrophe was signaled by its construction of a vast cathedral announcing a new and deeper relationship between the church and the armed forces. 🧵 The catastrophe in its geopolitical form is the obsolescence of any regime unable to establish sovereignty on digital ground. This has to do with the Main Cathedral of the Armed Forces as the catastrophe in its anthropological form retrieves the theological character of reality.
Oct 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Interesting names named sculpting and deploying Operation Frances: Bill Burton, Luminate, Center for Humane Technology. Let’s review… Burton was the first White House employee with an official Twitter account, preceded in his position by Jen Psaki
Jun 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
americanmind.substack.com/p/bitcoin-the-… “One technology created within the digital medium has arisen with a clear and already well-functioning capability to move us past the passive faith in algorithmic fiat that today characterizes the approaching singularity of weaponized information...”
Mar 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I think a lot about Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, and Nikephoras II Phokas, Eastern Roman Emperor. While I can’t substantiate it, the story about Nikephoras is that he wanted to canonize fallen soldiers himself and the Patriarch said no. Henry, as is known, wanted to invest bishops with sacred authority himself and was also negged, ultimately renouncing claim to select popes.
Mar 26, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Anyone hoping to function in a digital age elite must grapple with issues like those raised here. Many pitfalls and ancient snares, devilish problems for people losing ancient wisdom. So, a few pointers: The emergent ontology of social injustice responds to the problem of how to assign blame and take responsibility for the behavior of machines religiously, by spiritualizing transgression. People/machines “are” racist/sexist/whatever, but what’s more, the -ism is a -ness, spirit
Mar 16, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
A certain strain of intelligent tech criticism warns that passive acceptance of data determinism kills human creativity and leads to civilization necrosis. But... this insight is unfortunately highly susceptible to being absorbed into the idea that only our divine-like powers of boundless imagination differentiate us from the bots and therefore are the only things that can save us...
Feb 15, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Hasn’t been easy to grasp China—on one hand, a masculine, vein-popping national communist regime against American interest; on another, something softer, deeper, wiser than what’s sensed and portrayed in the West. But this seeming contradiction is key to understanding China... What is native—original—to the Chinese civilization-state?
Nov 2, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
A type of liberalism is independent of and prior to the abstract apparatus of liberal experts trying to make the world conform to their perfection of it in speech...

That of meeting your neighbors as you find them in the unending labor of building and tending our shared environs This liberalism, premodern in its origins, is inimical to the discourse-ruling class—which sees it as flatly unethical and an existential threat to “the world” as they would construct and dominate it
Oct 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The end of history: an illusion that seeped implicitly into reality. Many felt smart concluding there was really nothing more worth doing. Value and status converged on them as they (and “we”) felt somehow they were doing the last things. Value, and then agency, evaporated below. “Tech” comes along. Denies this. No! Many new vistas, even unimaginable ones! History forever! Yet *some* feel themselves becoming the smartest of all time by concluding there’s nothing left to do but end history by ending humanity. An eerie imitation..
Jul 25, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
what does it mean for a machine to be smart? does it mean epic gaming?
Dec 7, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
An entire book could and should be written about this. The ongoing implosion of fantasy as the basis of identity is making people deeply neurotic, awkward, embattled, and ill, and we don’t even talk about it, much less dare to process it Instead we retcon these sufferings and pathologies as hallmarks of heroic victimhood or vengeful entitlement. How’s that going for us
Aug 31, 2019 28 tweets 5 min read
I see the problem of changing eras of communications technology has at last penetrated The Discourse today. If you care for some special clarity on the politics of twitter and radio, read on We start with oral. (Quiet, you.) The alphabet makes mere content out of its new psychological and social context—think of Plato’s REPUBLIC, or Aristotle’s teachings on formal cause (important) written down.
Aug 12, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
There is no way to classify this phantasmagoria as anything other than a desire to burn America’s regime down to the ground Recognize this for what it is: a direct and total attack on the very foundation of the American theory of justice: equal protection of all under law in virtue of our equal humanity and equal citizenship
Jun 30, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Urban “autonomy,” 2019:

- Insurmountable debt
- Serial “relationships”
- Cookie-cutter micro-apartment
- Surrounded by homeless
- Permanent SSRIs
- Can’t afford children
- Afraid of starting a family
- Strapped to exercise equipment
- Uniformed corporate service job
- Pet poop If our young future-less urbanites were smol cute animals instead of crippled *human* pets there would be national outrage at the inhumane conditions of their captivity. They show all the main signs of zoochosis
Jun 25, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Surprising no one, leaks show Google teams see the garden variety right as nazis and are laboring to stop the issues it raises even from being broached.

Wokies controlling tech do not want Americans talking or thinking about foundational political and anthropological matters. An internet where the basics of our political, human, and American identity can’t be mentioned, much less discussed, is hostile by design to our form of government and the theory of justice underpinning our regime.