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Oct 21, 2021, 12 tweets

Sweden 🖤 Licorice: a thread

Here's a small Swedish lesson to help you follow along!

lakrits = black licorice
söt = sweet
salt = salt
salmiak = sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride)
hallon = raspberry

#licoricethread to mute

Here in Sweden, black licorice is a popular flavor! It comes in versions like sweet, salty, extra salty, and pure ammonium chloride. It's extremely divisive - most people either love or hate it.

It's a common ice cream flavor! #licoricethread

If you'd rather have your licorice ice cream on a stick, Sweden's definitely got you covered!


Oh, is that not enough black licorice for you? Well, sprinkle some more on top!


Obviously black licorice goes really well with chocolate, so... licorice chocolate it is!


And don't forget baking with licorice! Flavors that pair well with black licorice in cakes and cookies are raspberry, lemon, and chocolate.


A couple of black licorice things I've never actually tried myself but of course they exist: salty snacks like popcorn and chips!


Also a bit more unusual, but why not? Licorice marmalade.


And why not have your black licorice-flavored goodies with a licorice-flavored drink of your choice?


Do you want your bag of black licorice candy sweet & salty, salty, or SUPER salty? (Yes that penguin-branded bag of licorice IS called "witch howl".)


In conclusion: YAY LICORICE put it in everything!


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