Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Oct 21, 2021, 11 tweets

Congratulations @vikramsampath and @sanjeevsanyal

You are the pseudo historians mentioned here.

Gate keeping 101.

Book is available for anyone to purchase for nominal price and trash with proper sources. No that we won't do.. instead we will insist on University Press and peer reviews.

What about the converse ? Supposedly peer reviewed and Academic seminar vetted Grandees who get their " research" demolished on Social Media ?

Oh wait, that doesn't count.

Yes correct, but unless you can provide a more reliable or older source, my source stands. In case of new knowledge the old stands cancelled

We all know who is holding onto their palm (fig ?) leaves and who isn't.


If this author lost in the forest of ignorance actually reads a few books by Sanyal and other " Pseudo Historians " he will know what Civilizational Greatness means.

There is no Academic scrutiny on SM ?

Thats what happens when you spend all your time in an ivory tower.

There is scrutiny by a magnifying glass here.

Aha... Should be easy I thought, to defeat " Pseudo Historians" since you are armed with peer reviews and what not.

I like his honesty though

And in what way are " Professional Historians" equipped to interpret facts ?

X taxed Y is a historical fact. Why it was done and how it affected economics is an economics subject, not history.

How is a historian qualified to do both ?

Only job of historian should be to dig out facts and translate them for a wider audience.

History is merely the present with a different date.

Can you interpret everything that is happening around you ?

Hence a Sanjeev Sanyal with his economics training is better positioned to understand the flow of money during 100 AD India, than the historian who cannot grasp the meaning of trade imbalances and gold payments.

(Eg Ocean of Churn)

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