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I have faith in people. Get some #Danalysis when you can. . Retired firefighter and 28yr Marketing Exec. I know shit.

Oct 21, 2021, 9 tweets

The video swirling around about Matt Gaetz was interesting. Based on body language and voice (@DrGJackBrown ) it looked like Matt was uncomfortable because he wasn’t telling the truth.

The “truth” he told was that someone was going to kill him.
I will not post the video

The whole thing was bizarre. I assumed that it happened late yesterday or early today.
The original story was pushed by a RW Conservative Catholic mom that goes by the name Debra Heine.
Of course the story was about this guy @/CIABOB4U

Of course in her story, he was a lefty, deranged and arrested by capitol police. She changed the twitter handle by adding a 2 at the end of it or maybe “Bob Bobs” had another handle.
He’s alive and well on Twitter and yes he rants

He rants about everyone and threatens many using the same style of a tag then a 2 then the @ of the person he’s talking about.
His whole timeline is just that and some retweets for TFG

This is the author of the article written, conveniently….yesterday
Debbie, what a fine girl, Heine only writes for RW Nazi loving, conservative papers. Many of them we all know. She also writes for PJ Media, Breitbart, Daily Caller and others.
You get the picture.

She’s consistent and needs to be reported for her lies about Fauci, COVID and other topics. She is a genuine writer that skews the story by inserting un truths that sound good and I’m sure it works for those consuming it.

So as I said in the 1st tweet, @DrGJackBrown might be able to identify further that Matt Gaetz was uncomfortable spinning this tale because he knew it wasn’t true and you can hear his breathless (I’m a victim) speech by googling it.


Matt Gaetz read verbatim, on the floor of Congress, the article that I posted.

It was meant as a distraction. Don’t let it be one.

Vet your sources and articles.
Read before you tweet.

And let’s not forget that his account was created in October 2021 conveniently Please report the account.

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