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Advisor to Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller 2010-2014.

Oct 22, 2021, 6 tweets

This is a blast from the past in @MCoSheriff office politics. The guy on the far right, literally, is fired/disgraced menace Mike Richards, Dave Drew's best friend in law enforcement.

Byrl Smith was running for the seat @supervisoraskew occupies.

Earlier I had gone after these


cops for wearing their complete uniform in political ads. These geniuses took a sharpie to their photo/art to obscure Monterey County and call it good. Think they care about the law?

In Scott Davis defense, I never heard anything criminal about him and he is a politically


ambitious guy, in other words, while some of his conduct violated parts of the policy manual in these political ads, it was low hanging fruit. And I hate low hanging fruit.

Scott Davis, who may run for Sheriff again, is standing next to Byrl Smith in the center.


between Scott Davis and Byrl Smith, in the back row, with the salt and pepper hair and goofy smile on his face? THAT is Deputy Arch. Commander Archie Warren, and he is the cop that worked a political op on the new Sheriff who had established a public corruption committee


What does it tell us, that Archie Warren, close friends with Mike Hackett, a cop who hung out at Mike Hackett's Casa Sorrento Pizza coke hole - what does that tell us about Deputy Arch?

A cop who was John Phillips right hand at Rancho Cielo.

How bad is Monterey County?

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