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Oct 22, 2021, 5 tweets

Coronavirus restrictions have been gradually eased throughout 2021.

Our Opinions and Lifestyle Survey captures changes in people’s attitudes towards #COVID19 preventative measures, their working arrangements and when they think life will return to normal

More than 8 in 10 adults continue to see “hands, face, space” as important in slowing the spread of #COVID19.

However, only 39% of adults reported always or often maintaining social distancing

Women and older adults place the greatest importance on #COVID19 preventative measures

More than half (54%) of working adults in Great Britain went to a place of work and didn’t work from home at all between 6 and 17 October 2021.

This is the highest percentage for a year

The percentage of adults thinking that life will never return to normal has risen to 12%, up from 3% at the start of the year.

A further 30% think that it will be more than a year before life returns to normal compared with 20% at the start of 2021

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