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πŸ“· Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 22, 2021, 13 tweets

Happy birthday Catherine Deneuve πŸŽ‚
πŸ“· Jean Mounicq, Paris, 1967
Wonderful light in this picture; it seems to come from Deneuve herself.

I love this shot of Catherine Deneuve & David Bailey
πŸ“· Patrice Habans for Paris Match, 1965

Deneuve & Bailey in 1967. The movie star & the photographer were married from 1965 to 1972.
Another photo by Patrice Habans for Paris Match

David Bailey photographs Catherine Deneuve
πŸ“· Patrice Habans for Paris Match, August 1965

Jacques Demy & Catherine Deneuve on the set of Peau d'Ane (Donkey Skin), 1970
πŸ“· Michel Ginfray

Jacques Demy & Catherine Deneuve in a great shot by Bert Stern for Vogue, 1965

Tea with Catherine Deneuve πŸ«–
πŸ“· Jeanloup Sieff, Paris, 1965

Catherine Deneuve by Sam LΓ©vin, c. 1967

Catherine Deneuve by Dominique Issermann, for L'Officiel Paris, 2014

Happy birthday Catherine Deneuve πŸŽ‚
Can you find her in this Raymond Depardon shot of "Starlets of 1960"?
She was only 15.

Two special actresses born today, with two special sisters:
Joan Fontaine, with Olivia de Havilland, 1945
Catherine Deneuve, with Francoise Dorleac, 1960

Catherine Deneuve by Jeanloup Sieff, Paris, 1969

Catherine Deneuve by Loomis Dean, 1961

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