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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Remembering Doris Lessing on her birthday 🎂
📷 Roger Mayne, 1959
"Doris Lessing is the ideal winner of the Nobel Prize. After all, the prize is about idealism, & was founded in the belief that writers can make the world a better place."
- Tom Payne

Doris Lessing by Marianne Majerus, 1984
"What luxury a cat is, the moments of shocking & startling pleasure in a day, the feel of the beast, the soft sleekness under your palm, ... the grace & charm even in a quite ordinary workaday puss."

What a lovely portrait of Doris Lessing, by Toby Melville.
"She was adept at tracing sly signs of continuity where that particular path through the narrative woods had been overgrown and bypassed time out of mind – not least by Lessing."
- Lorna Sage

Doris Lessing wins the 2007 Nobel Prize for Literature, & this is what she finds on her doorstep.
📷 Shaun Curry

Doris Lessing by Ida Kar
2 1/4 inch square film negative, late 1950s
Roots & flowers...

Doris Lessing by Sophie Bassouls
Paris, 1995
"I keep on writing. I consider that professionalism. But I don't see the use of it sometimes."

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