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Oct 22, 2021, 7 tweets

10/22 Texas C19 Pos%, Case, Hosp & Fatality Update:


* Bye Bye Bye
* Combined Pos% is 6.39% as of 10/12
* Cases 7DMA below 3300
* Total Beds tagged C19 down to 6.92%, census below 4600, down 67% from 8/25
* This wave least fatal of the 3 C19 waves


10/22 Indicators

* Total positivity rate as of 10/12 at 6.39%
* Testing peak 9/13 @ 1.12 million tests a week. Testing as of 10/12 is @ 679K per week
* Positive Tests 7DMA nearing 6200 per day. Meaning cases will continue to decline
* Covidestim Rt declines to 0.87


10/22 Cases

* 7DMA Case Peak was 9/14 at 15,419
* 10/19 7DMA is 4,153 down 74% from 9/14
* 7DMA rate of decline at 27% Week over week


10/22 Hospitalizations

* Single Day Peak was 8/25- 13932
* Current census is 4541, lowest since 7/24
* 7DMA declining at a rate of 20.5% week over week
* % of beds tagged as Covid 6.92%. Peak was 21.88% on 8/30
* ICU beds in use lowest since 7/28


10/22 - Hosp Covid Admits

* 7DMA of 503
* Statewide Admits down 72% from their peak on 8/23
* Statewide Admits 7DMA Rate of Decline of 18.7% Week over Week
* Hospitalizations will continue to decline but rate of decline is slowing for this leading indicator


10/22 Fatalities

* Summer 2021 wave is 16% less fatal per hospitalization than the previous 2 waves through Day 103.
* Summer 2021 CFR is 19% less Summer 2020 CFR
* Day 1-103 for each wave
* 5/20/20 - 8/30/20
* 10/5/20 - 1/15/21
* 6/20/21 - 9/30/21


10/22 Conclusion


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