Matt Bockenstette | Copy Legends Profile picture
Original-source copywriting wisdom for high-converting sales copy today - join Gary Bencivenga, Drayton Bird, David Deutsch, Bob Bly, & 6,800+ #copywriters 👇

Oct 23, 2021, 19 tweets

100 #copywriting strategies for assembling higher-converting #salescopy (for your ads, sales letters, product pages, & emails).

With each strategy/picture, I'll also be tagging a fellow copywriter/marketer worth following!

If you enjoy this MEGA-THREAD (PART 3), share the love!

Wanna get a single .pdf file with all 100 of these strategies? Join the Copy Legends community at the link in the bio...

Then respond to my welcome email with "Twitter Mega Thread," and I'll get you all taken care of!

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