Adam W Gaffney Profile picture
Pulmonary & ICU doctor @challiance, assistant professor @HarvardMed, healthcare researcher, past president @PNHP, author of "To Heal Humankind", tweets my own.

Oct 23, 2021, 6 tweets

"Treatable Mortality" -- i.e. deaths potentially preventable via medical care -- is much higher in the US than 4 "peer" nations. Moreover, we've stopped making progress in the past 10 years, widening the divide.

Meanwhile, blood pressure control — a big way modern medicine saves lives — has been deteriorating over this same period for the general US population.

Similarly, among adults with diabetes, both glycemic control and blood pressure control are worsening.

Meanwhile, while a feared and predicted 2020 surge in uninsurance did not come to fruition (for a number of reasons, including aggressive policy), the number of insured has gradually risen since 2016 according to three benchmark federal surveys:

Uninsurance and underinsurance among children rose from 2016-2019:

To be clear, I'm emphasizing the worsening trends in blood pressure and glycemic control as a failure of the healthcare system — we're doing something wrong.

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