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Oct 23, 2021, 10 tweets

Countdown to #FairMaps for Arizona: Day 61
This is the word cloud from yesterday's meeting. Notice the prominence of Oro Valley and Marana. Those two Pima County communities are such an important of community of interest that they MUST be together. According to Com. Mehl.

It's hard to know why he thinks this. It's not a HORRIBLE idea. It's not as horrible as denying the Navajo Nation an opportunity district; or the Latino communities an eighth VRA district. Or diluting every rural district with urban population.

But it does force the @ArizonaIRC to create this district:

And for the @ArizonaIRC to create this district:

And for the @ArizonaIRC to create this district:

And for the @ArizonaIRC to create this district:

And for the @ArizonaIRC to create this district:

And for the @ArizonaIRC to create this district:

This is the birdseye view. NOTE: Commissioner Mehl, I believe, would live in LD 18.

Arizonans voted for Prop 106 to take this task away from self-serving elected officials. Have we simply replaced self-serving elected officials, with self-styled oligarchs who mistake their personal, private business interests for the public interest?
Is anyone fooled by this?

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