Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo Profile picture

Oct 23, 2021, 8 tweets

Good morning, I have been asked by many people (believers) how to become supernaturally blessed
Some believe this happens when they give to pastors who claim they should come and sow seed and all
That never worked for me as a believer. I remember sowing seed of whole month’s pay

several times and remaining poor for several years
I once gave a pastor a bag of rice and I felt I had just been robbed, the feeling was so bad that I went to take my bag of rice down from his car and I took it back home
I know supernatural blessing is real but how do I access it

I went to the book of Genesis and over and over I discovered that those who built altars (a place of worship) to the Lord are uniquely acknowledged both in God’s book and in supernatural blessings.
The patriarchs were all altar builders and they prospered the exceedingly!

While I have nothing against those who give to pastors (seed, offering etc) as led by the Holy Spirit.
I have always taught against people falling for sweet talking folks whose agenda was to rob them of their income. If it is not by the Spirit, please don’t do it! We are to be

by the Holy Spirit in all things.
This project that we are doing at the Philippines is an excuse for me to raise Supernaturally blessed believers.
This is what I do for the Kingdom of Jesus
I support widows, missionaries, orphans, the helpless and yes I build churches in rural

and unchurched locations
I have done this in several communities in Nigeria and this is the first we are doing outside of Nigeria
It will be completed in a few days
I am asking those nudged or touched by the Holy Spirit to please reach out and build this church with us. I am not

begging for help, I am asking those who have been called to raise the banner of Jesus in this capacity to report for duty
Kindly send me a DM or a message on WhatsApp 08072744871.
Remember this is a call for duty, I am sure the Nehemiahs will respond.
God bless you

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