Gilles Demaneuf Profile picture
Pointy Head. Enthalpy Liberation Front. Opinions, analyses and views are mine and should never be interpreted as representing any institution or company.

Oct 23, 2021, 7 tweets

Who would have thought so?

"African diplomats are becoming exasperated by China's demands for diplomatic support on every issue from Covid-19's origins to the human rights of the Uighurs in Xinjiang province,.."

"..whether it's in the World Health Organization, the UN Human Rights Council, diplomatic sources told Africa Confidential."

"Chinese diplomats email, text and call their African counterparts directly to get them to sign joint letters, support motions and other measures.."

" back Chinese positions, we have been told, circumventing their own chain of command.

A text is often provided by Beijing's diplomats for African envoys to sign on the dotted line."

"The latest issue to join the list on which African countries are also expected to line up behind Beijing is that of Covid-19's origins."

"We Africans thought that China was much better than France in dealing with us. They came with money, never asked for anything in exchange. Well, now we have to vote the way they want. If we don't, they call our government and you know what will happen to us if we don't obey."

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