Kavi 🇮🇳 Profile picture
Proud Bharatiya.Once communist. Kolkata.Blessed to be followed by Karmyogi @narendramodi ji.

Oct 23, 2021, 6 tweets

One of d biggest mysteries for most political analysts around the world, is that of Gujarat's quick rise under Modi in such a short span during the early 2000s, which led to d coining of the phrase "Gujarat Model". It is a mystery to those analysts bcs they have no idea of 👇

of the immense efforts behind the scenes, "invested" by Modi in the deeper rural pockets for almost 2 decades!!
The story goes back to the late 1970s, when RSS was impressed with the young Modi's calibre & the methodologies with which he had evaded threats during emergency,👇

and had literally become part of the organization's backbone. Hence, RSS started giving him much higher responsibilities, especially related to chronicling the true narratives of emergency and it's impact on the masses.👇

It was during that mega project dt d organization encouraged him to venture into deeper rural pockets of Gujarat for inputs,& Modi utilized the opportunity to the fullest throughout the 1980s, by understanding real issues of ppl, the plight of farmers at the mercy of Weather 👇

and many more issues which were dragging Gujarat state from reaching its full potential.
Personally visiting villagers in huts & walking on foot for hours throughout the day to cover multiple villages per day, changed Modi's outlook towards Gujarat.👇

All these learnings for next 2 decades became the foundation for his strategy of unleashing "Gujarat Model" within years of becoming CM in the early 21st century, and the rest is history!
@narendramodi My PM My Pride ❤️

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