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Oct 23, 2021, 15 tweets

Today is the 40th death anniversary of Khan Abdul Qayum Khan, a staunch political activist of Indian/Pakistan Independence who immensely contributed to the creation of Pakistan, and to the independence of Gilgit-Baltistan & Azad Kashmir.

Qayum Khan was originally Kashmiri but was born and brought up in Pakhtunkhwa.

He had been active in politics since the early age. He took part also in the Khilafat Movement where he and Bacha Khan worked together, and then served prison time for their role as well.

Qayum Khan remained active member of the congress in NWFP together with the Khan brothers for decades he left the party in 1946* when he was denied a ticket in the elections. Congress party offered him other positions but he refused.

Qayum Khan then joined Muslim League. Jinnah is said to have written a letter to him personally and invited him to join Muslim League. He then became the first elected member of the assembly from Peshawar on the Muslim seat beating Congress party.

After creation of Pakistan, Qayum Khan was made the first Chief Minister of NWFP by Jinnah. They removed the Ministry/govt of the congress party led by Dr. Khan sahib at that time - which further added to the political rivalry between Qayum Khan and the Khan brothers.

Qayum Khan had earlier published a book wherein he praised the Khan brothers, their struggle for independence, and thrashed the politics of Muslim League. However, as soon as he became Chief Minister he banned his own book!

Bacha Khan and Jinnah had agreed to a visit of Jinnah to the political headquarter of Bacha Khan at Charsadda so they repair their relationship for the cause of Pakistan.

Qayum Khan felt threatened with these developments and sabotaged the meeting.

Qayum Khan then made it a mission to neutralize Bacha Khan and his politics. He cracked down against them arresting Bacha Khan which led to the Babara Massacre killing scores of Khudai Khidmatgar just 2 days before the first Independence anniversary of Pakistan.

Qayum Khan was the political force behind the Pashtun tribesmen Jehad in Kashmir.

In his budget speech of 1949-50, he announced a residential colony for the Mehsuds of Waziristan as a token of appreciation for their Jehad in Kashmir.

The Azad Kashmir govt conferred the award of "Ghazi-i-Millat" on Qayum Khan in appreciation of his role in liberation of Kashmir.

He has to his credit many developmental initiatives including the Atomic Energy Commission, Peshawar University, free education etc.

He wanted to unite all Pashtuns by merging FATA and the Pashtuns areas of British Baluchistan with NWFP but he was removed as Chief Min in 1952.

He and his wife supported Fatima Jinnah against Gen. Ayub Khan in the presidential elections.

Qayum Khan was sentenced to 3 years prison time in the wake of his political opposition and stance.

When Bhutto needed to deal with NAP and his political opponents, he had to bring in the man who had made a reputations for himself in such matters. Qayum though was political equal of Bhutto but he had to accept the reality of politics when Bhutto was all too popular & powerful.

Despite his political stature, the man never indulged in corruption. He was taken in a taxi to the Hospital when he suffered the fatal heart attacks in 1981 as he didn't own a car. Never appointed his family members to any post, or ever granted them any financial benefits.

Let us conclude the thread on a rather light note. In 2004 where there was this forever debate to rename NWFP, one of Qayum Khan's loyalists proposed to name the majority Pashtun province after Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan in recognition of the services of Qayyum Khan for Pashtuns.

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