Fionna O'Leary, 🕯🇪🇺 Profile picture
Retired lawyer. Cooking & good food, books, conversation, dancing, music. Forever European. Mastodon:

Oct 23, 2021, 7 tweets

⚰️⚰️ 197 (60 day) deaths
⚰️ 135 (28 day deaths) ⬆️ 12% on a rolling 7 day average

🦠 44985 cases (by report date)

BUT we cases by SWAB date indicate we had
56,584 on MONDAY - cases added today AND
51,026 on TUESDAY

And WEDNESDAY heading in the same direction (process lag)

Deaths are ⬆️ 12% on a rolling 7 day average and

🏥 Admissions now over 1k in a day. 1065 ⬆️ 19.1% on 7 day avg.

Nearly 900 in ventilator beds

Over 8,200 In patients.

Wrong direction

And over 60s case rise suggests we could see higher++ admissions in the next week or so.

Positivity levels are still stuck on 16th October.

So England still on 9.3% & Cheltenham still on 17.1% (despite 1 day depressed due to the the Immensa SUI )

But comparing yesterday ⬅️ with today ➡️ it is clear that plenty of cases are still being added to 17th October.

Bloody hell #ImmensaLab fallout.

Aggravated by appalling advice for schools from this negligent government

Parents 45-49yr age group in Cheltenham also horribly high.


The 40-45 age group a bit less at nearly 1300/100k.

Graph from @ProfColinDavis shows what the Immensa Lab has delivered to my town that has done so well through the pandemic - apart from two particular peaks.

Cheltenham races.

Then January.

H/t @Syn0nymph for the flag on this. England only deaths.

We have three nations to add to the deaths.

So a bad day.

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