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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 23, 2021, 9 tweets

Happy birthday Jane Holzer! 🎂
📷 Jack Mitchell, late 1960s
"She is gorgeous in the most outrageous way. Her hair rises up from her head in a huge hairy corona, a huge tan mane around a narrow face & two eyes opened - swock! - like umbrellas."
- Tom Wolfe, "The Girl of the Year"

Baby Jane Holzer by Susan Wood, 1965
"Jane Holzer is This Year's Girl, at least, the New Celebrity, none of your old idea of sexpots, prima donnas, romantice tragediennes, she is the girl who knows... The Stones, East End vitality..."
- Tom Wolfe

All eyes are on Warhol Superstar Baby Jane Holzer, named 'The Girl of the Year' by Andy Warhol.
She's at the Peppermint Lounge, where the music is by Herman's Hermits.
📷 Don Paulsen, c. 1965

Baby Jane Holzer by Harry Benson, October 24, 1966, 55 years ago tomorrow.
"She does not attempt to come on sexy. Her excitement is something else. It is almost pure excitement. It is the excitement of the New Style, the New Chic."
- Tom Wolfe

Baby Jane Holzer by Jerry Schatzberg, 1965
"Schatzberg says the photographers are the modern-day equivalents of the Impressionists in Paris around 1910, the men with a sense of New Art, the excitement of the salon."
- Tom Wolfe, "The Girl of the Year"

Baby Jane Holzer by David Bailey, 1965
"Bailey created four girls that summer [1963]. He created Jean Shrimpton, he created me, he created Angela Howard & Susan Murray. There's no photographer like that in America. Avedon hasn't done that for a girl, Penn hasn't..."

Baby Jane Holzer wears an Andy Warhol mask at the opening of the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh
📷 Catherine McGann, 1994
"The first thing Andy said was: 'Do you want to be in the movies?' My thoughts were, 'Well it beats the shit out of shopping at Bloomingdales every day.'"

On Baby Jane Holzer's birthday, Horst P. Horst room photos for Vogue, 1969. Only three room photos for #ReemRater, so I added a fourth shot of Jane at the beach by Horst, from 1965. Where would you like to hang out?

Fabulous art on the walls here. Is that a Frank Kline over the fireplace in room 2?

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