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Breaking the Silence is an Israeli veterans' organization aimed at raising awareness to the dire consequences of prolonged military occupation.

Oct 24, 2021, 7 tweets

Israel's Defense Minister designated 6 longstanding, well-respected Palestinian HR orgs as terrorist groups. You'd expect there'd be some due process before an announcement of this sort,or a minimal amount of evidence.
But when it comes to Palestinians, there's apparently no need

And we're not talking about accusations against one or two individuals. Six major organizations, all of whose employees & supporters have been turned overnight into "terrorists", after a decision came into effect w/out even a semblance of a legal process having been carried out.

But that's hardly surprising when the bread & butter of the occupation's legal system is based on arrests w/out warrants and detention w/out trial. Palestinians are seen as ticking bombs from the moment they're born. We're told that due process is a privilege we have no time for.

That's how, for example, "Order 101" came into being in the oPt: A military law declaring that any assembly of 10 or more people in which anything that can be construed as political is said - is an illegal gathering that can be, and often is, violently dispersed by IDF soldiers.

This is a cynical use of the term terror—a very real threat that many of us have painful experience of—cheapened by our government as an excuse to cut down any potential opposition to our absolute control over the territories. Even when that opposition is entirely non-violent.

If Defense Minister Benny Gantz truly believes there's a basis for his accusation against the human rights orgs—now's the time to prove it. It's the bare minimum he can do.

For months now violent settlers have been attacking Palestinians in the West Bank. Almost every week such an incident is caught on camera. And Gantz has chosen to stay silent. But accusing Palestinian HR organizations of terrorist activity? No problem. He doesn't even need proof.

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