clem 🤗 Profile picture
Co-founder & CEO @HuggingFace 🤗, the platform to build machine learning. Started with computer vision @moodstocks (acquired by @Google)

Oct 24, 2021, 10 tweets

Thanks for the book @eladgil #weekendread #tweetreading

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Cool to see @chughesjohnson in there!

Didn’t know that @chughesjohnson started a “working with Claire” @stripe. Brilliant! Makes me want to update and share more broadly the one I did a few years ago:

Interesting point here! Can’t the structure/team/culture be built so that team members (versus just leadership) are incentivized, rewarded and empowered to stop things? Sounds healthier/more scalable! cc @julien_c @Thom_Wolf

Yes! cc @Julie0livieri


Good to see a fellow Florida convert @rabois

That’s enough for today. I’m on page 168 #digitalbookmark

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