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Oct 25, 2021, 10 tweets

Over a dozen media outlets have published fresh details from leaked internal documents at Facebook, ramping up the pressure on CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

From fading popularity with teens to failures in addressing hate speech, here are the highlights.…

Some of the internal documents reviewed by the news organizations were previously reported on by @WSJ.

It was whistleblower Frances Haugen that provided the documents.

.@business and @verge’s report appeared to show how Facebook has been losing traction with teen users and desperately trying to recapture the market.…

.@FinancialTimes reported that Facebook employees urged management not to make moderation exceptions for politicians and celebrities.…

.@NYTIMES reported on internal documents appearing to show how the company grappled with whether to keep or get rid of the "like" and "share" buttons.…

.@WashingtonPost cited three sources who said Mark Zuckerberg personally signed off on censorship demands from the Vietnamese…

.@Politico reported on Facebook documents appearing to show the company's research on its market dominance.…

.@AP reported on Facebook documents appearing to show how its lack of language-specific moderation stops it from properly addressing moderation issues, including terrorism and hate speech.…

.@NBCnews reported on internal employee debates and apparent disillusionment over whether the company has done enough to counter hate speech and misinformation.…

Read more of the latest developments in the #FacebookPapers on Insider.…

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