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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 25, 2021, 32 tweets

Remembering Pablo Picasso on his birthday 🎂
📷 Jacques Henri Lartigue, Cannes, 1955
"Only one person has the right to criticize me. It’s Picasso."
- Henri Matisse

Picasso has a visitor: the young Brigitte Bardot. She was 21 at the time.
📷 Boris Lipnitzki, Cannes, 1956

Peggy Guggenheim in her Palazzo Venier Dei Leoni, Venice, with Picasso's On the Beach
📷 Slim Aarons, 1978

Pablo Picasso by Ara Güler, Cannes, 1971
In preparation for a book to honour Picasso's 90th birthday, the great photographer & the great painter spent four days together in Picasso's home & studio.

Picasso said that Ara Güler reminded him of Paul Cézanne, so he drew this mash-up of the two. The drawing is now in the Ara Güler Museum.

Ara Güler had a life-size print of his Picasso portrait prominently displayed in his Istanbul studio.
📷 Nikos Economopoulos, 2001

Lee Miller, Self-portrait with a friend:
Pablo Picasso & Lee Miller at the Rue des Grands Augustins in Paris, 1944

Pablo Picasso by Sem Presser
Vallauris, 1953
"Picasso had uncovered a feverishness in himself and is painting it – a feverishness of death and beauty."
- William Baziotes

Picasso Near the Stove in His Workshop, rue des Grands Augustins, Paris, 1939
I love this stove!

Denise Colomb
Picasso à Antibes, 1952
"He does not converse but talks solo—creatively, decisively, and fascinatingly, with wit, ideas, and odd images, his ever-present Spanish accent seasoning his phrases, which emerge in bursts."
- Janet Flanner

Robert Doisneau's Picasso portrait, from 1952
"Discovery is what he deeply cares for and is what alone fascinates him. He is preëminently a sum of curiosities."
- Jaime Sabartés

Peter Turnley
Robert Doisneau retouches his famous portrait of Picasso.
Paris, 1981

My favourite of the shots Gjon Mili took of Picasso drawing with light. Taken at the Madoura Pottery, 1949, for Life magazine.

Coffee with Picasso at the Café de Flore ☕️
📷 Brassaï
Paris, c. 1939

Pablo Picasso by Willy Ronis
Vallauris, 1950, printed in 1971
This is an isohélie, a posterization effect achieved before Photoshop in the darkroom. "I am by no means fond of laboratory cooking but, from time to time, it is fun to get away from my usual territory."

The right hand of Picasso, 1943

Picasso by Irving Penn, 1957
"When Penn arrived at Picasso’s house in the south of France, the artist pretended not to be home. But after Penn’s assistant climbed over the locked gate, Picasso granted the photographer ten minutes."…

Henri Cartier-Bresson
At the Picasso retrospective @MuseumModernArt
This was apparently how one looked at Picasso in 1957, at least after a couple of drinks.

Jacques Prévert & Pablo Picasso by Boris Lipnitzki, 1951
Picasso's Promenade's-Prom…

What an idea to paint an apple
says Picasso
and Picasso eats the apple
and the apple tells him Thanks

Jacques Prévert by Pablo Picasso, 1956

and Picasso breaks the plate
and goes off smiling

Rene Burri
Pablo Picasso in his Cannes villa "La Californie". The cowboy accoutrements were given to him by Gary Cooper.

Robert Capa
Pablo Picasso, Françoise Gilot & Javier Vilato
Golfe-Juan, Côte d'Azur, 1948

Inge Morath's shot of Henri Cartier-Bresson & Pablo Picasso, 1953

Eileen Agar's photograph of Dora Maar, Nusch Éluard, Pablo Picasso & Paul Éluard on the beach, September 1937

Arnold Newman
Picasso's Eye, 1954
"When he comes into an unfamiliar room, his rapid black-eyed glance seems to register everything in a sudden exclusive exposure, like a photographer’s lens taking a group picture."
- Janet Flanner

Picasso by Herbert List, 1944
Robert Motherwell tells the story of Picasso asking a writer, ‘What is art? Did I ever ask you that before?’, & before he could answer, “as if he were questioning himself, Picasso said, ‘And what is not?’”

Man Ray's photograph of Paul Éluard & Pablo Picasso at the Hotel Vaste Horizon, Mougin, 1937
"With Picasso," said Éluard, "the walls come down."

Pablo Picasso by Yousuf Karsh, 1954
According to Karsh, "He could partially view himself in my large format lens and intuitively moved to complete the composition."

Pablo Picasso & Marc Chagall by Philippe Halsman, 1955

Pablo Picasso by Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1953
"As a woman friend of his once remarked, 'If he has been in the wrong about something, he always forgives you'."
- Janet Flanner

I love this Roberto Otero photograph of Picasso with Edward Steichen, in the Museo Picasso Málaga.

Robert Capa
Pablo Picasso leaving his atelier
Paris, 1944

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