Federica Cue Profile picture
🇲🇽Freelance Artist & Film Teacher who loves Storytelling. Animation Grad with slight obsession of all things Mesoamerica🐆. Big Film & TV nerd... duh 🤣

Oct 25, 2021, 12 tweets

This is the seperate tagged spoilers thread for my #MayaAndTheThree observations of Mesoamerican influences. You can go find my non-spoiler one in the link. Ok, on with the chaos!

The Mesoamericans were good at keeping track of sun, moon, star, and planet alignments. So an eclipse normally wouldnt be shocking or ominous… normally 👀 #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers (1/11)

I’m guessing hallucinogens were involved in this scene, too 😂. It’s what priests would have used to recieve visions from the gods. And shoutout to the variety of color corn!! #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers (2/11)

The entrance through the Divine Gate has a water surface effect. A reference to cenotes, sinkholes, found throught the yucatan considersed portals to the maya underworld, Xibalba. We see an actual cenote later in the series. #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThree (3/11)

Zatz’s mom’s name, Zyanya, means “forever” in Zapotec. An indigenous language spoken generally in Oaxaca. (Don’t mind me, i’ll will slightly promote the Onyx Equinox series cause of a kickbutt character with the same name) #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers (4/11)

Lady Micte’s other form is an owl, considered a harbinger of death in myth. As for the dead, they are said to come in a form of a Monarch Butterfly to watch over us. #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers (5/11)

Mictlan’s final form is inspired by the maquizcóatl figurine which has positive meanings but also ‘bearer of bad omens’. The open jaws symbolize doors to Mictlan, name of the Mexica underworld. In this case, doors to Mictlans heart #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers (6/11)

Ah Puch is named after one of many Maya death gods. #MayaAndTheThree having 3 of them & saying “we” reminds me of Ometeotl, a Celestial Mexica god that’s viewed as 2 in 1, male & female, & name spoken after the birth of a child. #MayaAndTheThreespoilers (7/11)

Just like various pantheons, there’s the celestial, earthly, and underworld gods. Given how the Mesoamericans depicted some gods with elaborate headresses, I find it genius to be their weakness when knocked off #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThreespoilers (8/11)

The irony of Lord Mictlan’s army being conquistador like skeletons! It would also be fun to think this is a universe where the Spaniards lost and Mesoamerica could thrive and cultures we know changed over time. Food for thought? #MayaAndTheThree (9/11)

No joke, I screamed when Maya & Zatz became the sun & moon like the Maya Hero Twins of the Popul Vuh. It’s my favorite example of how the Mesoamericans viewed duality. Opposites that keep the world balanced. #MayaAndThe3 #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers (10/11)

Last thoughts for now. #MayaAndTheThree did exceptionally well in potraying sacrifice not just heroic or bloody. In Mesoamerica, sometimes greatest sacrifice was when one chose to step forward, not let the choice be made for them. (11/11) #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers

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