Federica Cue šŸ† Profile picture
Iā€™m Fed! Freelance, Story Artist & Film/Animation Teacher who loves Storytelling. Tiny obsession over all things MesoamericašŸ†. šŸ‡²šŸ‡½ + šŸ–¤šŸ¤šŸ’œ
Nov 29, 2022 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 12 min read
Since my basic breakdown got popular (thank you all so much!), hereā€™s a new thread to enjoy. The #Mesoamerica Influences in Costumes of #wakandaforever so spoliers ahead!! Fashion, my favorite šŸ¤©šŸ§µ1/13 Image Starting with #Shuriā€™s fit! Namoraā€™s not wrong when she says someone of Shuriā€™s status wears highly decorated jade ornaments. Right pic of Kā€™abal, Maya ā€œwarriorā€ queen of Wak, wearing lots of jade (that I highlighted) šŸ§µ2/13 ImageImage
Nov 22, 2022 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 10 min read
It is time! Thatā€™s right. Time to break down the #Mesoamerica Influences, not explained in detail at least, in #WakandaForeverĀ  so Spoilers in the THREAD and links to more info if I could fit it. Letā€™s Dive In, pun intended. šŸ§µā€¦ (1/17) Image Firstly, gotta talk about the Talokanil themes. You hear Maya whistles and drums when we first meet the warriors! And that screech in Namorā€™s theme. Itā€™s a jaguar whistle. It sounds likeā€¦ wellā€¦ a Jaguar! #wakandaforever šŸ§µ (2/17)
Oct 25, 2021 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read
This is the seperate tagged spoilers thread for my #MayaAndTheThree observations of Mesoamerican influences. You can go find my non-spoiler one in the link. Ok, on with the chaos! The Mesoamericans were good at keeping track of sun, moon, star, and planet alignments. So an eclipse normally wouldnt be shocking or ominousā€¦ normally šŸ‘€ #MayaAndTheThree #MayaAndTheThreeSpoilers (1/11)
Oct 25, 2021 ā€¢ 25 tweets ā€¢ 23 min read
Thus begins my official thread of Mesoamerican Insperations in #MayaAndTheThree that I know off the top of my head because I have no chill. Holy Cacao, itā€™s a lot!Iā€™m keeping it organized starting from non-spoiler and ending very spoiler. Letā€™s go!! Teca! A play on the Mexicaā€™s common name ā€œAztecaā€. The Mexica home, Tenochtitlan, was built on a lake like Teca. An eagle killing a snake on a cactus (featered on the Mexican Flag) was the omen the Mexicaā€™s ancestors sought where to settle their home. #MayaAndTheThree (1/24)