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This is the city: Los Angeles, California 😷 mom • news junkie • receipt keeper

Oct 25, 2021, 11 tweets

MG: “Extremism leads to lots of collateral damage”

Also MG: check out my new interview with know disinfo machine The Epoch Times!


Full video interview here:

FWIW this appears to be a newly uploaded 8 hours ago. The original video from yesterday had 70+ comments and ~3,600 views when I last looked at it. Not sure why it was taken down and uploaded again. Appears unchanged.


This interview is all over the place, but MG’s main point seems to be that parents won’t get their kids vaccinated if it doesn’t also mean removing masks in school.

“So we have to link those two things. Vaccination. Normal life.”


Later in the interview, Gandhi is asked to describe her experience treating vulnerable patients during the early pandemic.

She discusses how they kept the clinic open safely (masks, distancing and ventilation!) and how difficult restrictions were for those populations.


She then goes on to tearily tell the pro-Trump propaganda outlet that this was the fault of <checks notes> progressives.

Ok, then …


Does the difficulty of early lockdowns for homeless and other vulnerable populations have anything to do with masking kids in schools now? No.

Do any of the things she talks about in this interview relate to each other or make any sense? Also, no.


Some background on The Epoch Times here.


Of note, interspersed throughout the interview are PR-type photos/videos of Monica Gandhi with patients. They all have @UCSF stamped at the top left.

Did the university provided them and/or give explicit permission for their use here? Questionable decision, if so.


One last thing.

Monica Gandhi has provided quotes to Epoch Times outlets and tweeted them before.

When commenters (example below), called her out she apologized, said she didn’t know, and deleted the tweet(s).

I think it’s safe to say she knows what she is doing now.


This just appeared on the front lawn today out of nowhere …


“CCP virus” is how The Epoch Times refers to Covid, btw.

Scott Atlas, Christina Pushaw (DeSantis’ press secretary), and Martin Kuldorff all gave quotes to the paper for this article.


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