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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Oct 26, 2021, 8 tweets

THREAD: Today, three activist chained themselves to construction equipment at the historic McMillan Reservoir site in Washington DC to prevent construction crews from developing on it.

Police attempted to negotiate them down while saying they had no authority on the subject.

I interviewed @RosinaPhoto from through a hole in a fence while her hands were chained together in a lockbox connecting her to a piece of equipment.

She expressed doubt that the stunt will cause Mayor @MurielBowser to reconsider the development at McMillan Park, but had to try.

Activist @aeidinger talked to me about the history at McMillan Park.

It used to provide all the water to the city, and then became DC's first integrated park, before being fenced off in the 60s.

The city now plans to develop it into retail/apartments/parking.

Ultimately, the three activists who chained themselves to equipment at the historic McMillan Reservoir site in DC allowed themselves to be unlocked with a key after being told by MPD that they'd be allowed to walk away without arrest, but only if they didn't have to be cut out.

Activist Jim Shulman, who was chained to equipment at the historic McMillan Reservoir site, told me afterwards that his primary concern about the project is asbestos.

He called out Councilman @TommyWells in particular for accepting what he sees as non-thorough test results.

Kerry Kemp - who chained herself to a bulldozer at the McMillan Reservoir site - says the development project planned there including luxury housing is "an entirely inappropriate use of this land."

"Don't build it on this jewel of land that is a historic site."

Here is the full @N2Sreports footage of today's direct action by local DC activists against construction at the historic McMillan Reservoir site in Washington DC.

As always, all footage available to license.

CC: @nbcwashington @fox5dc @wusa9 👀

Former DC Councilman and now director of the District Department of Energy & Environment @TommyWells responds:

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