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Natnouns - Yoon Troll/MI5 plant/Tory Slut/Bam/Yoon Boot/Tory Scum/Bootlicking Bastard/TERF/Walloper/Bampot/Nasty Wee Britnat/Besom/Quisling/SNP👎🏼 Vote Reform

Oct 26, 2021, 82 tweets

Today in honour of the upcoming COP26 instead of dreaming about the destruction of our nation through independence let’s share some home truths about Sturgeon & The SNP. I’ll start:


Awkward! 😬

Guess the doubling of the grant never happened! Can any taxi driver confirm that they received more funding or not?

So when is it happening then @NicolaSturgeon

Check the date on this! Scotgov went ahead despite knowing it was beyond their remit! How much taxpayers money did they waste fighting this?

Isn’t this the first thing that would be required in order to weigh up if an independent Scotland would be feasible?


It’s time The SNP were exposed for all the wrong they are doing to our beloved Scotland. I am sick & tired of our votes being disrespected! Scotland belongs to us all not just the nationalists!🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


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