Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo Profile picture

Oct 26, 2021, 6 tweets

We are making very rapid progress on this project. God has been very gracious unto us, blessed be his Holy Name.

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who saw the project and sent their love and other forms of encouragement. My God bless you abundantly

The project will be concluded in 18 days. As we can see from the video, this is a rural community that needed the basic structure of a place of worship where they can serve God

Please feel free to join us on this project. There is a great blessing in being a part of this.
Please send me a DM or send me a message on 08072744871 WhatsApp to get details.

This was the last project we did in a mechanic village at Ofada so that mechanics here can serve God. When we finished the project, we handed it over to a church close by to help them run and maintain it. We built it up from scratch and bought everything in it!

We are hoping to do the same here. Please note that we are not affiliated to any denomination whatsoever
We belong to Christ and our joy is to see unchurched localities come to Christ and thrive in His glory. God bless you

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