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Clade, cum veritas latet

Oct 26, 2021, 13 tweets

WHO ABUSED #mdshami ??

Orchestrated Disinformation Campaign and the Role of "Useful Idiots"

Scene 1: High adrenalin Cricket Match between arch military rivals.
India and Pakistan
Indian cricket team was bad on field and lost the game.
Game of Minds Begin after the Match.

Classic Bollywood Story : Muslim player blamed for loss, asked to prove loyalty to country!

Media: Got the spice
Opposition: Got the Issue
Team India: Emotionally Bruised
INDIA: Failed to discern the psy war again.
It all began when a Twitter handle @vaikivannavan
Posted this 👇

Apparently the handle had somehow "PREDICTED" that Md Shami would be subject to abuse after the match.
As per predictions, 16 Abusive Insta posts were made under Shami's recent Insta update. Out of which 8 were targeted at his Nationality/ Religion. The remaining being generic..

We did a thorough search on all social media platforms to find any other abusive posts on Shami
Even after this claim by Facebook 👇...(they actually meant the same Insta posts)
We failed in finding any other evidence except for these screenshots...

As claimed by Facebook the posts were deleted immediately, however few samaritans ensured that these abuses do actually reach Shami..
The list of initial amplifiers include @pzfahad ,Self-styled Kashmiri journalist, reacting with astonishing alacrity to spread the goodwill...

Now enter the "useful idiots" who helped in turning the seemingly irrelevant bot posts into a national sentiment.. (please note that they all are using the same screenshots)
Note: Al Jazeera Producer @SanaSaeed doing a thread on it.

Scene 3: The Solidarity Campaign Part I
Solidarity kings/queens jump into the bandwagon (remember media needs the story and its column)
Ms Barkha Dutt and Ms Arfa Khanum played their part....

Image courtesy @tfipost

Scene 4: From News to Views
Ms Dutt dragged the entire Indian cricketing fraternity, who jumped to save their mate..(interestingly at the same time @imVkohli was getting death threats and abuses at the rate of 1000 social media posts per min)

Scene 5: The Vultures Enter
The Social media cells of Pakistan were waiting for this update.
The classic amplification was done from here on...
ONE Tweet...Yes! JUST ONE TWEET and a group of "useful idiots" gave them the necessary canon fodder.

Finally, 8 Abusive Insta Posts from unknown (most likely) bot handles made it to International News of online harassment hurled at a Muslim cricketer in India..
Not a single outlet has taken pains to give any other evidence of the abuses

These online campaigns are orchestrated keeping a very specific target in mind. Some are willing collaborators but majority are just "Useful Idiots" for the planners.
While we were at
Hindu vs Muslim
RW vs LW
Shami vs Kohli
Rahul vs Modi
They had already entered our subconscious.

Shami is one of the most loved Indian cricketers and will remain so.
Players at international level are subject to slurs and abuses and are programmed to deal with it.
Our enemies are exploiting our social fissures ....and WE are letting them do it..
Love for Shami 👇

A visual representation of the "Orchestrated Disinformation Campaign supported by Useful Idiots"

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