Ghost of Captain Long John $hillver ☠️⚔️ Profile picture
Don't get spooked. This ghost is weaving his way through the system. Politics | Crypto | Random. Views expressed here are my own.

Oct 26, 2021, 11 tweets

To all the deluded dumbsters saying vax prevents serious illnesses/deaths

Nice to see masking, vaccines and jab passports working so well in Ireland.......Oh wait 🤦

Nearly 80% of population fully vaxxed, jab passports and masking indoors.…

75% of the population of Ireland are FULLY VAXXED.

#Covid cases are exploding

As are hospitalisations and ICU admissions

And deaths also spiking

So let's see jab passports, masking, closing in on 80% of population fully vaxxed with two doses, cases, hospital and ICU admissions climbing as well as deaths. We are not even in winter yet!

And what is interesting now is that it's only really the vaxxed with a passport that are allowed to live a public life so who is it spreading covid around now?

Keep watching Ireland folks. In the coming weeks/months, it will tell us a lot as one of the strictly enforced restrictions and measures, let's see what happens from this point on.

I've told you guys to keep watching Ireland. This is the situation right now
75% fully jabbed, masking, covid passports, people who aren't complying aren't allowed a public life so who is spreading covid leading to cases and hospitalisations exploding? Take a guess.

Don't believe the lies. Most people ARE fully vaccinated and most of those who aren't, are not allowed into indoor public venues or access services.

Cases also up today from yesterday

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