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paranoia's the garlic in life's kitchen, right, you can never have too much https://t.co/NRwx2C1SMc https://t.co/T6qf7YvR9P

Oct 26, 2021, 12 tweets

today's premium episode is about Lewis Carroll, JM Barrie, and (separately) HG Wells

Lewis Carroll

Carroll was in the Society for Psychical Research, which has such a normal and cool logo

Dean of Christ Church where Lewis Carroll studied and taught, Henry Liddell, and his daughter Alice Liddell

JM Barrie

JM Barrie with the Llewelyn Davies family

HG Wells

his very curious book, the World Set Free

Wells' book, the Open Conspiracy

the Fabian Society emblem - a wolf in sheep's clothing hahahahaha

Wells' book, the New World Order

it's a pretty cool episode, check it out!

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