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Oct 27, 2021, 7 tweets

Project Genesis:
Njeri @of_njeri is digital artist. She has a project called Genesis; A MODERN,FUTURISTIC INTERPRETATION OF A MATRIARCH INSPIRED BY THE GIKUYU MYTH OF ORIGIN in which she outlines 4 of the 9+ daughters ( Kenda Mūiyūru) from a more modern futuristic perspective.

Beginning with Nyambura, Wanjiru, Waceera, and Wangũi, we feature her work. Her work is both a short narrative of the daughters and a contemporary visual (photos) of the daughters.

✓ 5th daughter of Gĩkũyũ & Mũmbi and the matriarch of the Ambura/Ethaga
✓ Believed to have control over weather: Causing / stopping rain, controlling the atmosphere making her pretty much Storm’s ancestor.
✓ The Ambura also possessed other supernatural powers

✓ Wanjirū, was the first born daughter of Gìkūyū and Mūmbi and mother of the Ajirū clan
✓ The photo is an imagination of Wanjirũ receiving a prophecy.
✓ She was a seer and her prophecies helped the community plan ahead of any impending danger.

✓ Wacera was the third daughter of Gìkūyū and Mūmbi and the mother of the Acera clan.
✓ She was the Traveller & The smooth talker

✓ Wangũi was the 9th daughter of Gikuyu and Mumbi, head of the musical Angūi clan.

@of_njeri we are still waiting for the other 6 daughters.

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